Vinyl Wrapped Drawer System

We provide all kinds of construction and building services and we are always glad to resolve nonstandard and unique tasks.
We always take challenges and bring them to a conclusion.

At Easiform, we have taken the approach of providing the “Complete Drawer” concept to help manufacturers with most drawer component needs. As “The Drawer Specialist” we supply a comprehensive range of drawer options and accessories. To do this, Easiform is constantly looking at product research and new product development which we can offer to the industry to simplify and speed up the day-to-day manufacturing of drawer components. 

Four sided ‘V’ Fold drawer pre-drilled, doweled made to customers’ specifications, Ready To Assemble (RTA)

Four sided ‘V’ Fold drawer

Three sided - ‘V’ Fold drawer pre-drilled, doweled made to customers’ specifications, RTA

Three sided -
V Fold drawer

Four sided drawer - Partially ‘V’ Fold drawer pre-drilled, doweled, complete with a doweled front piece made to customers’ specifications, RTA

Four sided drawer Partially ‘V’ Fold drawer

Four sided drawer Partially ‘V’ Fold drawer pre-drilled, doweled, comes complete with a doweled back rail suited for a filing drawer, made to customers specifications, RTA

Four sided drawer

Four piece drawer Pre-drilled and doweled, RTA

Four piece drawer

Blanks - Available in 2.4m and 2.7m lengths for customers’ own cutting needs


We Are EasiForm

We have been transforming the ideas and visions into award-winning projects.